Everything is handmade. The Tailoring tradition of our Master Leather workers is reflected in the ancient production techniques.

We start by carefully assorting the leather in order to find the same characteristics of color, thickness and grain for a perfect assembly.

Then it is the turn of the knife model cutting, for a constant control of the raw material, followed by the packaging piece by piece, garment by garment, giving rise each time to a unique creation.

To complete the Hollywood Vintage Jacket project, special handmade treatments are carried out to give the leather such a vintage and lived-in look, which makes the Collection unique and extraordinary.


Hollywood Vintage Jacket uses only highest quality leathers of Italian origin. Leathers are finished in Italian tanneries with ancient and traditional methods that give the tanned leather the look scruffy appearance, getting old overtime with the use, testifying to the naturalness of the product.

The softest and lightest lamb tassels give maximum comfort for the warm-medium season.

Vintage- finished calf leather, sturdy and resistant, for intense use and for the maximum satisfaction of every biker.

Choosing a creation made with these leathers means having the final result of a philosophy of craftsmanship and a unique and unrepeatable style.


How do I keep my Hollywood Vintage Leather Jacket?

  • Hang up your Hollywood Vintage Jacket leather jacket with a widecoat rack, so as not to deform the line of your shoulder over time.
  • If you need to air your Hollywood Vintage Leather Jacket, don’t leave it under the sun for long, because UV rays may change its color.
  • Do not store it in a plastic bag, because the skin needs to breathe. A cotton bag is ok.
  • If your Hollywood Vintage Leather Jacket gets wet with rain, don’t put it in direct contact with a heat source, but shake it well, hang it up and let it dry naturally.
  • If your Hollywood Vintage Jacket leather jacket is stained, don’t use products unless recommended by an expert, but contact a specialist laundry.
  • Do not use perfumes or deodorants directly on the leather.